Enabling Azure App Service VNet Integration ‘v2’ from CI/CD

If you’re anything like me, you want to automate everything from deploying your basic Azure infrastructure all the way to the application code. And the bar is set exceedingly high for deviations to this rule.

Sometimes – and especially with new and/or preview features – that requires some extra work, because support for such features in your deployment technology of choice may not yet be available.

Take the case of the new VNet Integration feature for Azure Web Apps. All very cool that it can be set through the portal, but that’s about the last thing I want to do when creating robust deployments. For me, ARM templates are the technology of choice when it comes to deploying Azure resources, even though a case can be made for alternatives such as Azure CLI. But in the case of VNet integration, both ARM and the Azure CLI are not an option yet at the time of writing. There aren’t even proper Azure Powershell commands to get this done.

In situations like this, I head over to the Azure Resource Explorer, and see if I can reverse-engineer what happens in the Azure Resource Manager API when I change a setting through the portal. Armed with that knowledge, I’m able to craft an API call that gets the job done. Wrapped in a fairly simple Powershell script, it may end up like this:

[string]$subnetResourceId, ## Something along the lines of '/subscriptions/[subscriptionid]/resourceGroups/[resourceGroupName]/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/[vnetname]/subnets/[subnetname]'
function Get-AccessToken {
$context = Get-AzureRmContext
$tokenCache = $context.TokenCache
$cachedTokens = $tokenCache.ReadItems() `
| Sort-Object -Property ExpiresOn -Descending
$accessToken = $cachedTokens[0].AccessToken
function Set-VNetIntegration {
$app = Get-AzureRMWebApp -Name $webappName
$resourceGroup = $app.ResourceGroup
$location = $app.Location
$body = "{
""location"": ""$location"",
""properties"": {
""subnetResourceId"": ""$subnetResourceId""
$url = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$webappName/config/virtualNetwork?api-version=2018-02-01"
$accessToken = Get-AccessToken
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method PUT -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken"} -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body
$subscriptionId = (Get-AzureRMContext).Subscription.Id
if ($subscriptionId -eq $null) {
throw "Not logged in. Please login using Connect-AzureRmAccount and select the correct subscription using Select-AzureRmSubscription; then try again"

Some remarks here are in order, the most important of which is that the subnet with which the app is integrated, must be preconfigured with a delegation to Microsoft.Web/serverFarms. This is done automatically when you enable VNet Integration through the portal, but not when making the API call yourself like in the script above. Fortunately, this actually is settable through ARM, so no need to include it in the script.

Second, the script works with the ‘old’ AzureRM modules for all Azure interactions apart from the actual API call. For me, this works best for interoperability with Azure DevOps hosted agents, which didn’t support the new Az modules yet at the time I created this script. But of course it can quite easily be adapted to the new modules.

And lastly, this is not really pretty and production-ready code (but then again, is Powershell ever pretty?). It can certainly be improved upon, but for me this is a piece of dispensable code in the sense that I take it out of my pipeline and discard it, the minute ARM or Azure CLI support becomes available. It’s just that I don’t feel like waiting for that to happen before I can automate deployments that use this feature.

Hope this helps anyone looking for a way to automate the new VNet Integration feature, and just maybe it can also serve as a bit of inspiration as to how you could create your own temporary solutions to features not available in your primary deployment technology of choice.

One thought on “Enabling Azure App Service VNet Integration ‘v2’ from CI/CD

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