HowTo: Secure a Custom Webhook for Azure Event Grid

As I wrote before, I’m playing around with the new Azure Event Grid lately. As I mentioned in my previous post, custom event publishers and subscribers hold a lot of promise, especially while we are still awaiting the bulk of Azure services to be hooked up to Event Grid.


But for custom publishers and subscribers to actually lift off, we need some way to authorize calls, both those from the publisher to Event Grid and those from Event Grid to the subscriber endpoint. Now the first is pretty well covered in the docs. But the call from Event Grid to the subscriber endpoint is not very well described at this point in time. It just mentions some initial validation sequence, which is supposed to prove ownership of the endpoint but in actuality just verifies that the endpoint is expecting to handle Event Grid events.

If this were the whole story, having an Event Grid subscriber endpoint would imply accepting unauthorized calls containing event payloads, meaning anyone with knowledge of the endpoint address can send bogus events your way – and since you have no way to tell authentic from fake events, you’d also be opened up for Denial of Service.


Luckily, a conversation with the Product Team quickly revealed that this is not the whole story. When you register a subscriber endpoint in Azure Event Grid, you can include a query string. This query string will be included in each and every call to your endpoint, so both the initial validation call and subsequent event notification calls. If you put some sort of key in there and then verify its presence in each incoming call, you’ve effectively locked out the Man In The Middle, and you just made a Denial of Service a lot harder.


Furthermore, query strings that are added this way are not visible when enumerating Event Grid Subscribers in the portal, as an added layer of security.


I’ve updated my code samples to include a possible way to handle this for a ASP.NET Core WebAPI webhook.

Thanks to Dan Rosanova for clearing up how authorizing Event Grid calls to custom webhooks can be done.

Handling Custom Azure Event Grid Events

Lately I’ve been exploring the new possibilities opened up by Azure Event Grid, which was introduced last month.

Azure Event Grid is a fully managed platform for publishing and subscribing to event notifications. It is intended to ultimately encompass all Azure services as event publishers and/or subscribers but it also allows for custom, non-Azure participants. At this point, the following publishers and handlers are available:


For a little bit of background information on how AEG relates to the other event offerings on Azure, such and Event Hub or Service Bus, see this write-up by Saravana Kumar.

Long story short: it all looks very promising, but since most Azure services are yet to be hooked up to Event Grid the custom topic publishers and WebHook subscribers may hold the most promise for the short term.

So I tried my hand at actually getting that to work with a console app for publishing and a ASP.NET Core WebAPI for handling; code is available here.

In general, it’s relatively straightforward. The only thing that took me some time to get right is the handling of the validation process. The issue was that the documentation says that the validation request contains a header ‘Event-Key’ with a value of ‘Validation’. In actuality, this is ‘aeg-event-key’ with value ‘SubscriptionValidation’. Since my API is routing the validation request to a special action based on the header, this is pretty relevant. But, let’s keep in mind that Event Grid is in preview at this point, and the documentation is part of that status.